Friday, December 07, 2012

Girl vs photo shoot

It is a Chinese adoption ritual to take a photo of your new daughter or son in the traditional dress on the day before departure. I'm not sure how far back this goes but for the longest time, it involved sitting on a red couch at the White Swan Hotel. I really like this tradition. Well, unfortunately, the hotel currently looks like this:


So the next best (and superior in my mind) option was to take her photo on Shamian Island, which really is peaceful and well-kept:


However, a combination of rain and napping prevented us from getting any nice light, so we opted for backdrops from the Victory Hotel. Serena is every bit a toddler which, as you likely know, only 0.001% of the photos are NOT blurry. There is absolutely no standing still in toddler-land, especially if your parents really want you to. So this is what we have:










Some day she will think I'm a dork for that shoe choice. What can I say? I was too cheap to buy matching shoes?


Nana Bonnie said...

WAY too cute! These shots beat a 'pose' any day! Oooh, I want to be there and play with her.
Love from Nana

cstbrown said...

love these photos - this is real life! (as an aside, we've found that sometimes the open mouth yelling that is accompanied by screaming protests, may actually look amazingly like a open mouth smile - several family photos of screaming Henry have been passed of for excitedly happy Henry)