Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 11

Many good things since arriving home:

S goes to sleep in her crib and will sleep until we wake her up!

She loves guacamole! At least for now...

She continues to respond to and love on both of us!

She wasn't scared of the snow or beagles.

She tolerates the car seat pretty well, all things considered.

Ben and I have had good sleep but continue to pass out when she does and rise early early, which is really okay with me.

we have been loved upon by our friends and family with such good food and gifts and support!

She said "please" and is grunting for things less and less.


In other news:

she has quite the whine (but what toddler doesn't?)

she seems to love all things grown - up and not too much into any actual toy. She did love Leggos so Ben is out this very moment fetching a box or two.

she sees the dogs as more of beings-that-might-take-my-food rather than friends. I don't really blame her. They do beg and beg.

(and this is my very own ridiculous issue) she doesn't seem to be taken in by natural beauty; she stares blankly at the snow and has barely noticed the Christmas tree. Now, I fully understand that 1. she is used to lots of bright lights in Guangzhou and 2. more importantly, we took her 7000 miles from everything she knows, so this is my own very petty disappointment. I will survive :)

I carried her in the Ergo once since coming home and she was very happy but for the most part, she is way more interested in being independent. She has practiced (with us) going up and down the stairs over and over; I suspect to be able to master it on her own. Certainly part of this is natural toddler curiosity but could some of it be a self-protective instinct? I'm not sure.


She wanted to hold the ax and cut down the tree! Oh, my. Hands so very full. And hearts as well.



Ramona goes in with me to wake her every morning and both seem eager to love on her. Who knows what their beagle brains are processing!



Ruth Zellmer said...

Welcome to the world of toddler-hood. Oh so frustrating at times but so rewarding once you get through it.

An Oak of Righteousness said...

My heart is overflowing with happiness for you.