Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The best kind of news

It was a dark and gloomy night; or rather, I was feeling gloomy on this night as I was certain that we would not receive "the call." It was, technically, our first month to receive a referral and they did not seem to be spilling from the sky, per all of the online chatter. I told Ben, "you need to prepare yourself for my imminent ensuing deep dark depression...until next month rolls around." I spent the entire night both ignoring and looking longingly at my phone. I was on call, but it wasn't a particularly rough night, just a few things to field here and there. I actually put my phone in another room to iron around 10:45 and when I came back, I saw THE missed call; now, I knew the agency was likely calling to inform us of no matches so, not wanting to hear it first hand, I handed the phone to Ben to call her back. He did, and quickly I hear, "oh, really, you locked a file for us?" His eyebrows raise and he looks toward me with anticipation and surprise. He takes in a few details, she doesn't seem to recall many of the details of her file and relays that she will email the complete information when she is home. We hang up.

And wait.  
         For TWO LONG HOURS.
                    Before she emails to inquire which EMAIL address we would want the information sent to!
                        Then we wait again; around an hour later I rise up suddenly (somehow I had managed to sleep) and there, in my inbox, is one of the most lovely emails we have ever received.

We forces ourselves to read through her medical information first; birth details, finding details (not many), exam - no red flags, echo - normal, labs, mild anemia, no biggie, and her developmental achievements- not bad, little girl. We are so pleased. Cleft lip/palate repair May 2011 (the same month and year as my own surgery!)
And then we peak, and our hearts swell.

Our girl. OUR GIRL! So perfect, right down to her perfect pout. 

We thank you Lord, for your gifts that we cannot deserve. 

Come quickly, letter of acceptance!

Dates to remember:
DTC: 5/10/12
LID:  5/22/12
Referral: 6/26/12
PA: 7/6/12

I can't believe I finally get to record those precious dates!


Kara B said...

Congratulations!! Come check out our story and timeline. I think you'll find they are very similar. So excited for you for your journey. Here's hoping it happens in the blink of an eye!

joeutter said...

Oh we cannot wait to greet our precious little niece!

dave and jenn said...

Wow, what a great story! She is so, so cute and very blessed to be getting such wonderful parents.