Friday, January 19, 2007

Dear ol' Golden Rule Days

Today marks day three of classes for me. Our Victorian Novels class was treated this morning with a glimpse into the Rare Books and Manuscripts Room of the WFU library. Having just finished Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco's tale of murder and heresy hysteria centering 'round a 14th century monastic library, as my final guilty pleasure read of winter break, I was of course alert to what dark secrets might be lurking in the shadows of the stacks. But all I found were some early shilling editions of David Copperfield. Oh well. Brandy has been subject to more than enough drama for the both of us, working as she has been in the cancer wards this rotation. For her, the night shift, when for one reason or another, people seem more likely to die. Now at 2 pm she's sleeping--or was, until a moment ago, when her wretched pager sounded yet again. To Brandy's credit, she manages to sound almost magnanimous when groggily directing them to please call the DAY shift--but I'm almost to the point of marching on down to the nurses station and personally delivering a copy of her schedule (around bon-bons or a brick, if necessary).


M. Lumpkin said...

Ah the unjustified page. In my experience you can never find in the many linked chain that is the institution. Then you just end up another jerk yelling at the wrong person. I am not too surprised at Brandy's magnanimity as she always displayed it when I was the jerk yelling at her for being one of the medical ranks with which I had... shall we say issues.

As for the toughness of dealing with oncology I can only point you here.

The Fanks said...

Ben, if Brandy doesn't turn her pager off when she comes home, you should do it after she falls asleep.

The Fanks said...

m. lumpkin, i'm not sure that link leads anywhere...


Ben and Brandy said...


Why, yes. Wouldn't turning off that pager seem like a reasonable thing to do on the heels of a 12-30 hour shift? Wouldn't it!?
But for whatever reason, she's 'required' to leave it on ad infinitum, as far as I can tell.


The Dixons said...

Having never been a resident, all I can say is that it sounds like there might be uncanny similarities to being a. . .mama. :) -T

The Fanks said...

Ben, I bet she's not. See what happens if the battery "runs down".

Ragan * Becca said...

Brandy dearest, how I miss thee. I miss friends, and I miss friends my age. I love you and I hope that all is well.
