Friday, August 26, 2016

Birthdays in China

Today was Thomas's second birthday. We celebrated in style by taking him again to the clinic for the induced sputum testing. And you thought your last birthday was lame. 
Our thoughtful guide brought a chocolate treat to give once the testing was done - a treat that he noted, might have been outlawed in the US due to the toy that accompanies it (yikes!) fortunately he concentrated on the chocolate and could care less about the toy. 
Today brought several smiles and less self-soothing. He has given me luxuries that I have not experienced before- falling asleep in my arms- so lovely - and the luxury of  getting drenched with bottled water in the hot Guangzhou air because his favorite thing continues to be dumping it over his head and thus anyone close by. 
We confirmed that he and S are definitely related as they both did a little dance for the same beloved Chinese crackers. 
On that note, she had a much better day; still with frustrations but she made a few breakthroughs and seemed more herself. 
For his birthday celebration our hotel delivered a cute little lemon cake which S loved and T mostly fed to me (great attachment progress!) and we played with bubbles under a gentle rain. The siblings then took turns jabbing each other accidentally with the ends of fuzball table rods (handles missing on most of them), 
At 2 years of age Thomas:
Has many words but prefers "bu Yao." He sweetly says "Jie Jie" to  acknowledge his sister. He also has the sweetest little baby gibberish. 
Is determined to feed himself and often the most difficult way- prefers real silverware over the kid friendly spoons I brought
Seems to love to run and chase and slam doors :)
He can stack blocks like a champ but seems to prefer to put toys away:)
We can't really tell what he likes to eat so far- has been variable and not quite what we were told . He seems to like watermelon and noodles.
Tomorrow is the last day of sputum testing. We are grateful. It is so hard as he wakes up hungry and we can't feed him until the test is over (doesn't help to build trust at all!)

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