Thursday, May 26, 2016

Because he comes to us from Weiyuan County and is a person who misses his hometown

And thus, was appointed the name for our son: Tong Si Yuan, given in his file with the above explanation. Thomas, the name given to him by American advocacy partners, was found on September 24, 2014, near a bridge in Weiyuan County in Neijiang City, Sichuan China. He was around 1 month old at the time of abandonment and we first saw his face on October 1, 2015:
And now you know why we said yes. I was rather mindlessly scrolling through the Chinese Waiting Children advocacy page as I was drying off from a shower and took exactly 1 minute to read the tiny bit of information, two minutes to show Ben, and the next to email the agency he was assigned to. A flurry of emails exchanged and BAM, we locked his file.

Going back a bit to his finding, his weight at 1 month of age was 4.6 kg, he was 55 cm tall, and 38 cm head circumference. He is blood type O+ . His initial work up included a positive RPR that was negative after treatment when rechecked in May and a "weakly positive" HIV. We were informed that he would be tested again at 18 months of age and were prepared for the recheck to be a firm positive. (spoiler alert: it was negative).
His file included a medical report at age nine months in which he had reached the following milestones: grasping for toys, rolling from back to front, was crawling and sitting well on his own. He could also stand with support and seemed to be eager to walk, per the report. He was also scribbling with a pen. His favorite activity at the time: to be cuddled or teased and his favorite toy was "anything with noise."
The following is a link to the advocacy post on No Hands But Ours. I am forever grateful to them and the China Waiting Child Advocacy Facebook group! Through their work, we found our son.

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