Saturday, December 15, 2012

Baba's Birthday

The most wonderful Ben Utter turned 33 yesterday. The last tendrils of jet lag fog had yet to lift but we summoned energy and Ben was treated to his once yearly non healthy breakfast. He typically goes for the kale/protein powder smoothie but on this very special day his body goes into shock after I whip up french toast. It wasn't too terribly indulgent as I made it with Ezekiel Bread which didn't exactly soak up the butter and syrup the way proper French toast should.

S is into French toast. No big shock there. Not so much turkey bacon.

We even through a simple cocktail and pie party for Ben in the evening, twas a really great time. I was nervous about watching S and being a decent host but it turned out to be easy as the little has shown her stripes and they are extroverted! She became more and more animated each time the door bell rang and waddled from room to room, unfazed by the crowd.

I didn't have time to take pictures before or during so decided to take a few after-party shots. I always forget about that part.




Unknown said...

What a precious photo of like father like daughter! Love it

An Oak of Righteousness said...

Wowie Ka Zowie! I was just looking over my bookmarks and thought I'd check in with this blog. It's been a LONG TIME since I have. Soo happy to see/hear the good news of your plunge into parenting! Blessings on your little family of 3. You will never be the same. Happy Birthday Benjie (I love saying that) and I will keep checking in on you periodically. All's well here in south-central Nebraska, could use some moisture though. Love, Gail Alderman

Unknown said...

Happiest of birthdays, Big Daddy Ben! I raise a toast to you with my Glucose Control Ensure Chocolate Shake!