Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Off we go, over the wise lone Saviour!

The following NY Times article caught my eye this morning. I especially like its recounting on page two of a 4th of July church service featuring a projector image of U.S. F-15s soaring over a silhouette of Golgotha. Far be it from me to cast stones (at least not the first one; I'm usually ready with a few in my pocket to follow the opening salvo), but it makes me grateful for the plodding, unexcitable steadiness of Episcopalidom.


M. Lumpkin said...

Ok, so this has little to do with your post and I haven't read the article but Melody was standing on my foot lastnight at a particular family gathering so I couldn't explode in righteous indignation flavored invective.

Two family members were discussing calmly how when we had the first and only atomic bomb on the planet that we should have threatened not just Japan but every problem nation by saying: "Look, you're gonna have to act this way or we're going to annihilate you." If this weren't enough, they were saying this to my brother in law, and his Japanese wife!

Incomprehensible! GAh! I couldn't... Jah!

Her calm reply was: "Yeah, but bombing is so costly, because it destroys all the roads and buildings and the people who live there..."

What's wrong with these people?

Ok. now to read your article.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone

I have made a Web site about the goal.

I hope you check it out.